Insuring What Matters

Auto Insurance - Regional Insurance
Your car is a vital part of your lifestyle and possibly your career. Car insurance is mandatory here in the province of Ontario and it means the field of insurance providers is crowded, offering a wide range of possibilities when it comes to coverage, premium rate and service. With so many different companies advertising aggressively and all claiming to offer the best service and the best prices, cutting through the hype to get a good deal can be confusing.
Let us help you make the right choice. Here at Regional we`re an insurance brokerage for auto insurance. That means we work for you, the client, and that we can search among multiple contracted insurance providers to find not only the best deal, but coverage that’s right for you. We’ll help you through the whole process from finding the right plan to filing a claim.
Contractor Insurance
What to Expect
Your car represents a significant expense, and the potential for losses can involve many aspects. Car insurance is typically offered in packages or segments that are common to most insurers, with differences in the details of the coverage and rates.
Collision: damage to a car (yours or theirs depending on the circumstances) due to an accident.
Comprehensive: this type of coverage, as its name implies, offers protection from damage or loss from various perils including vandalism or loss of the car due to theft. Other perils may be included.
Liability: damages or loss due to an accident where it has been determined you are at fault (or responsible). This coverage is mandatory in all of Canada.
Accident Benefits: these cover you, your passengers or any pedestrians who are involved in and injured by an accident that involves your car. This may include benefits for medical care, rehabilitation therapies, funeral expenses and loss of income payments.
In some cases like below, special circumstances apply. Contact us to learn more.
Insurance on Multiple Vehicles
Insurance on Recreational Vehicles
Other than mandatory liability coverage, you can customize your package to suit your needs and actual use. We’ll work with you to make sure you’re not purchasing coverage you don’t need, and help you keep insurance costs down with recommendations that fit your lifestyle.
Keeping Your Premiums as Low as Possible
Many factors will go into calculating your premiums including the coverage and deductible, make, model and age of your car, amount that you drive, driving record and even where you live. We can search for the best possible rates among our contracted insurance companies and suggest ways you can keep premiums at the lowest rates possible. These might include:
If you drive an older car, you may want to drop the collision coverage. If the cost of repairs will exceed the value of the car, it's no longer worth it.
A larger deductible will result in a lower rate. Ask yourself how much you would be willing to pay out of pocket for more minor repairs.
Many companies offer discounts for good driving, meaning that you’ve been driving claims-free for a specified number of years.
Certain specific factors are considered to make driving safer, including driving hybrid vehicles, your age, installation of approved anti-theft devices and using winter tires among others.
So called “bundling” your insurance means that you purchase it along with other types of insurance from the same company, and most offer discounts for your increased business.
At Regional Insurance Services, we have more than 30 years' experience in the field, and we’re constantly upgrading our knowledge to reflect changes in the applicable laws and legal environment. Let us put our expertise to work for you and call us for a quote or to set up a consultation today for your auto insurance.
Contact us today to schedule your FREE complimentary consultation.
Insure with the best.
Head Office:
2800 Skymark Ave., Unit 34
Mississauga, Ontario
L4W 5A6
(905) 238-9676
We are the one-stop-shop for insurance matters for clients in Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton, Milton, Burlington, Oakville, Vaughan, Newmarket, Richmond Hill, Markham, Aurora, and the rest of the GTA.